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Get help with housing, food, bills, jobs, health insurance and more.
Findhelp is a free, easy-to-use search engine that connects you to services to assist with food, housing, transportation, legal help and more.
Find substance use treatment services.
ATLAS is a free, confidential, web-based service to help you find high-quality substance use disorder treatment care for yourself or a loved one.
NJ REACH is a free central call-in line for New Jersey residents who are looking for help with substance use disorder.
Call 1-844-732-2465, 24/7
Screening 2 Support is a free, confidential tool to self-screen for anxiety, depression, substance use disorder, and more.
Need immediate support now?
Call 988.

Connect to your county's Prevention Warm Line for more local resources.
A Prevention Warm Line, hosted at your county Prevention Hub, provides guidance to community and family members seeking access to prevention resources such as family supports, parenting resources, prevention of early drug and alcohol use by youth, mental health supports, and individual addiction services.
Trained staff are available weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to connect callers to local and state-level prevention resources and other supportive services.